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Cornwall Chapter



2024-2025 Cornwall Executive Committee
Réjean Fortin, C.Tech​.
Earle DePass, C.E.T.
Dominic Lessard, C.Tech.​
Sébastien Gervais, C.E.T​.
Gabriel Ippoliti, C.E.T.
Michael Gallinger, C.Tech.
College Liaison
Diana Olivar
Women in Technology (WIT) Representative
Adam Altieri, C.E.T.
Chapter Executive Member
Dale Phippen, C.E.T.
Chapter Executive Member
Lloyd Chaput, C.E.T., ​Fellow OACETT​
Chapter Executive Member
Nicolas Dubé
Chapter Executive Member
Patrick Gaudreault
Chapter Executive Member
Message from the Chapter Chair

OACETT’s Cornwall Chapter was founded in 1988, by an eager group of engineering & applied science Technicians and Technologists. 

Currently there are approximately 150 strong certified and associate members spread over a wide area of two counties, the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (5314 km2).   Our Chapter borders the province of Quebec to the east, New York State to the south, the United Counties of Leeds-Grenville to the west, and the Ottawa River to the north. 

Let’s place this in perspective, that’s one OACETT member for every 35 km2. You need a dynamic team to bring people closer together. The Chapter executive meets once a month, however, if there are major events or activities, there may be additional special meetings of the executive for planning purposes, although every member is invited.

What does your Cornwall Chapter family do to stimulate the neurons you may ask?  Many events and activities are planned throughout the year which include but are not limited to:

  • We celebrate certified members anniversary milestones for 10, 25, 40, 50, & 60 years of dedicated service in the Association and the community.
  • We have representatives of OACETT Cornwall participate as judges at the United County’s Science Fairs, and help to hand out the hardware at the Awards Ceremony.
  • OACETT Cornwall supports the local St. Lawrence College campus at Orientation Day, Open House, and participate on the Cornwall campus’ Program Advisory Committee. Our Chapter also provides an annual bursary for the Environmental Technician, and Game Tech Development, programs.
  • We host various social and networking events.

In 2017, Cornwall Chapter members met the challenge in OACETT’s inaugural Chapter Food Drive Challenge. We partnered with The Agapé Centre, a community driven non-profit charity, collecting food items for their food bank and soup kitchen operations. Cornwall Chapter members donated more kilograms of food per member than any other chapter in Ontario!

The chapter and executive have also been active in Women in Technology (WIT) events, including support and boots on the ground at the 2018 and 2019 Women in Science conferences held at NavCanada

As times are changing, we must follow and stay ahead with new innovative ways to motivate young aspiring technicians.

Should you be interested in joining the Chapter Executive to help move the Chapter and OACETT into the future, we would like to hear from you.  

Contact the Chapter Chair at

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Upcoming Events

Apr. 12, 2025
10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Cornwall Annual Chapter Meeting