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Toronto Central Chapter



2024-2025 Toronto Central Executive Committee
Shalevia Briscoe, C.Tech.
Chapter Chair
Karen Ebden Craigs, C.E.T.
Akrivi Nicolaou, C.Tech.
Lewis Malaka
Mark La Fleche
Deborah Savage, C.E.T.
Women in Technology (WIT) Representative
Spencer Mills
College Liaison
Jordan Wallace, C.Tech.
Chapter Executive Member
Kevin Lima, C.E.T.
Chapter Executive Member
Paul Manna, C.E.T.
Chapter Executive Member
Raquel Rodriguez Villena, C.Tech.
Chapter Executive Member
Spiros Hippolyte
Chapter Executive Member
Message from the Chapter Chair

Dear OACETT member, 
The Toronto Central Chapter continues to grow and evolve as the needs of OACETT members change and supporting OACETT’s Strategic Plan. 
I am Akrivi Nicolaou and I am happy to be elected Toronto Central Chapter Chair for a third term. I was elected to the position of Chapter Chair at the 2021 Annual Chapter Meeting and I am proud of all we have accomplished as a chapter despite challenges we encountered with the pandemic over the past three years. 
We are fortunate to have a strong team and I take this opportunity to thank them all for their contributions so far. Further, I also extend a sincere thank you to the Regional Councillor, Regional Secretary and Chapter and Program Advisor who have been great resources and supporters over the past three years. I assure you that the great work of past Executives will continue as our Chapter responds to new challenging needs in our future and that of our members. 
My vision for our Chapter is to be relevant, responsive and forward looking. I believe our members should always be the reason we have an effective Chapter. With that as a guiding principal, our Chapter will undertake to provide timely and relevant training and activities for our members. With my leadership we will listen and respond to the contributions of participating members so that we understand and meet the needs of as many as possible. Finally, recognizing the need to grow our inclusivity with meaningful support to underrepresented members, our Executive will make every effort to create opportunities for all our members to benefit from all that OACETT has to offer. 
Your participation and support and suggestions will help your Executive to bring you the programs that meet your needs, so I am extending a personal invitation to you. Help us make our Chapter stronger than ever. 
Akrivi NicolaouC.Tech 
Chair, Toronto Central Chapter 

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Apr. 16, 2025
04:00 pm - 06:30 pm

Seneca Polytechnic SEMET Technical Project Showcase