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Joining OACETT as a Student member is the first step to becoming either a Certified Technician (C.Tech.) or Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.).

Requirements to become an OACETT student member

  • You are currently enrolled full time in an Ontario post-secondary program in an engineering technology or applied science program. 
  • You must apply BEFORE you graduate to be eligible for student membership.
  • You are at least 18 years old.

Exclusive Benefits of Student Membership

Recipients of the Student Membership Subsidy

Student Membership Subsidy

Volunteer with your local chapter and have your Student Membership subsidized.

A table filled with OACETT awards

Student Recognition Award

Get recognized for your contribution to volunteerism or mentorship! Award winners get two tickets to OACETT's Presidents Awards Gala, a $250 bursary, and recognition in front of thousands of OACETT members.

Here's the short alt text for the image you provided:  "Smiling woman in a red plaid shirt holding an open book outdoors near a pond."

Student Scholarship

NEW — Young Professionals Scholarship

Three $500 scholarships.

Thank you for your interest in the YPC scholarship program. The applications are now closed. Please check back in September of 2024 for the new cycle.

Here's the short alt text for the image you provided:  "Man in glasses giving a thumbs-up while holding a piggy bank and sitting at a desk with books and a laptop."

Affordable Membership Dues after Graduation

Student members get reduced dues at the student rate for two years after graduation providing you pay your yearly student membership dues and do not let your membership lapse. If your membership lapses, you will pay regular membership dues when you rejoin. 

Here's the short alt text for the image you provided:  "Man with glasses using a laptop at a desk, smiling and looking to the side."

Reduced Professional Practice Exam Fees

Students can get a jump start on their certification by completing the professional practice exam as a student.

  1. Click the “Join” button in the top right main menu and create a profile.
  2. After creating your profile, ensure you select “I am a full time post-secondary Ontario college student in an engineering technology or applied science program.” for application type.
  3. Submit a copy of your personal ID and an unofficial transcript or grade summary from your college portal.
  4. Pay the application fee of $66.95 + HST.

  • OACETT will review your application and, if eligible, register you for student membership within about a month.
  • Once registered, you can print your membership card and will have access to the Canadian Technical Employment Network (CTEN) job network as well as many other benefits.
  • When you apply you will be asked to pay an application fee. This application fee will cover your first year of membership dues. After that, each year you remain a student member you will need to pay the student membership dues

When you graduate, you can upgrade your OACETT membership.
  1. Log into the OACETT member portal.
  2. Click on Start Application and select "Are you an Associate or recent graduate and need to provide academic and experience information to upgrade your membership?"
  3. There is no cost for this application.
  4. Upload all the required documents.
  5. Once all your documents have been received, a file review will be carried out by the Admissions Committee to determine how close you are to achieving certification and what still remains for you to do.
  6. For two years following your graduation, you will continue to pay the student rate for membership dues.
For more information click on Associate Membership.
Two young students in a science lab with their teacher.

Road to Certification Student Webinars

A complimentary 45 minute information webinar hosted by OACETT to learn more about OACETT, student membership, certification, and the application process.