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Mandatory CPD Information


New Program – Effective January 2025

Note: Retired and student members are NOT REQUIRED to complete CPD. 

OACETT’s mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program is on-going learning that allows professionals to keep their knowledge and skills current and relevant in today’s evolving work world. It provides a framework for members to guide their professional development choices.

Here are the important facts about the new CPD program that you need to know:

  • The program requires 30 hours of CPD-eligible activities (active or passive) over a 3-year cycle to maintain certification

Active Learning (Min 15 hours - Max 30 hours)

Active CPD Learning involves engaging with technical subject matter through various participatory methods. Active CPD Learning is about actively interacting with the material and requires participation in activities or discussions. For a list of examples, please see the dropdown below.

Passive Learning (Min 0 hours - Max 15 hours)

Refers to professional development activities that do not have participant interaction and can be completed independently at one’s own pace. These activities involve absorbing information without direct engagement with others or active participation. For a list of examples, please see the dropdown below.

"Four categories of professional development: technical knowledge, leadership training, professional contributions, and peer interaction, each with specific activities and timing requirements."

To access a copy of our CPD Quick Guide, please click HERE. 

Active CPD learning involves engaging with technical subject matter through various participatory methods. Active CPD Learning is about actively interacting with the material and requires participation in activities or discussions. The total CPD requirement can be comprised of hours spent in active learning.

Design a Discipline-related Technical Course
Create/design/teach/present instructional content related to a member's expertise, including volunteer to teach a course/webinar by delivering lessons, in person or online, to convey discipline-specific knowledge and skills without compensation.

Health and Safety Course
Technical health and safety courses offering accreditation in areas like risk management, ergonomic specialty, or electrical safety.

Management or Leadership Training
Structured programs that develop essential skills and knowledge for effective leadership and management with assessments to ensure understanding of subject matter.

Mentoring, coaching, or shadowing involves a more experienced mentor guiding a less experienced mentee in skill development and career growth. This includes regular monthly meetings or email check-ins over a minimum of six months. Mentors assist with goal setting, development, resume/interview prep, workplace transitions, networking strategies, resources, support, feedback and advice. A record of meetings with time, dates, and topics must be tracked and signed by both parties.

Create or present content for professional knowledge sharing, with peer evaluation and participant feedback as supporting evidence.

Professional Courses
Professional courses must be from recognized educational institutions (colleges and universities), have clear learning outcomes, a defined syllabus, an assessment to test competency and formal documentation of completion (date, individual’s name, course title, description, institution).

Teach a Technical Course
Volunteer to teach a course/webinar by delivering lessons, in person or online, to convey discipline-specific knowledge and skills without compensation. Paid teaching roles for regular employment do not qualify.

Technical Training
Technical training (in-person or online) includes hands-on work, assessments, and may lead to licensing or micro-credentials.

Passive CPD learning refers to professional development activities that do not have participant interaction and can be completed independently at one’s own pace. These activities involve absorbing information without direct engagement with others or active participation.

Indigenous and DEI Awareness Courses
Indigenous Awareness Courses educate about Indigenous history, culture and issues, promotion respect and understanding. DEI Awareness Courses focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, addressing bias and fostering equitable, inclusive environments.

New Product Learning
Enhance professional skills by attending training sessions, workshops, or presentations on the latest products and technologies and their practical applications.

On-the-job/In-house Training
On-the-job training provides hands-on learning and skill development in the workplace, guided by experienced colleagues or supervisors.

Reading/Podcasts/Online Learning Platforms
Reading or listening to articles from magazines, journals, or online platforms, technical papers/books, and listening to podcasts or online courses is capped at 10 hours per 3-year cycle. Podcasts must be at least 20 minutes per topic.

A systematic investigation to discover new industry information, establish facts, or develop theories related to the industry, with a summary submitted for peer review to validate CPD hours.

Self-taught/Self-managed Learning
Self-study learning allows members to choose when and where to take the course. Members have the flexibility to start and stop the learning process according to their needs.

Seminars and Conferences
In-person events or professional events focused on interaction and shared interests for discussion and learning, often as an audience member or attendee.

Technical Paper Authorship​​​​​​​
Technical papers are detailed documents that present original or expanded research, methodologies, and results in a specific field and undergo peer review before publication.​​​​​​​

Technical Training (without an assessment)
These activities may or may not follow a prescribed syllabus or measurable learning outcomes. They do not include assessments to test an individual’s competency or retention. Participation credit is provided regardless of active involvement or assignment completion, and a formal record of completion may not be issued.

Volunteering in the industry means offering time and services freely, enhancing job performance by building skills, confidence, communication, teamwork, and awareness of social issues through hands-on experience.

The CPD program places members into a three-year cycle, which always begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st three years later. This means you have three years to complete the required activities to maintain your certification. CPD audits are conducted annually for the previous three-year cycle on a random selection of members. To check the dates of your CPD cycle, simply log in to the OACETT portal, and click on the CPD menu option at the top of the page. There you will find a table identifying your active CPD cycle.

Please note: To maintain your certification, you must complete at least 30 hours of CPD by engaging in a combination of Active and Passive learning activities over your three-year cycle. You can fulfill this requirement with 15-30 hours of Active learning activities and up to 15 hours of Passive learning activities. You may complete any combination of Active and Passive learning, keeping in mind that you can not exceed a total of 15 hours of Passive learning in a 3-year period.

  • Annual CPD Audits: CPD Audits are conducted each year for the previous three-year cycle of a random selection of certified members, and associate members who have not certified within their certification timelines.
  • Check CPD Cycle Dates: Log into the portal and click on CPD in the main menu. Ensure you have all your CPD records, including supporting documentation for each submitted activity. To stay audit-ready, it's a good practice to submit your CPD in the portal as soon as it is completed.
  • Audit Notification: If selected for audit, you will receive a notification by mail indicating the date to provide all CPD activities to OACETT; your portal will indicate "Selected for Audit."
  • Review Process: The Office of the Registrar reviews your CPD within 60 days from the due date of submission and will email you advising CPD compliance or further steps to complete to reach compliance. 
  • Compliance Responsibility: During the audit, OACETT staff will assist you with any questions about the CPD program, how to submit CPD, or what activities count as satisfactory CPD. Email As this is a mandatory requirement our goal is to help you in every way we can to achieve compliance, and to avoid the risk of losing your membership and certification.

When submitting a CPD activity to the portal, supporting documents must be provided. Some examples of supporting documents include:

  • A certificate of attendance from the presenter, school, or educational distributor
  • A transcript including the achieved grade
  • A signed letter from a workplace supervisor
  • A written summary of learning and a copy of the presentation

Is there a minimum length of time for CPD eligible activities?
Yes, activities must be a minimum of one hour.

What activities are not eligible for CPD?
  • WHMIS, First Aid, CPR, AODA,
  • Refresher or basic IT courses (MS Word, Outlook, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Activities repeated within the same CPD cycle, unrelated to your job or fall outside the 3-year cycle
  • Courses that are partially complete
  • Paid teaching in a college, university or institution
What if my CPD spreads over two cycles?
The end date of the activity determines the cycle it belongs to.

Can I carry over excess CPD hours to the next cycle?
No, you may not carry over excess CPD hours.

What if I do not meet the CPD requirements?
CPD is mandatory to maintain your membership or certification, with the risk of losing it if not completed.

Can activity hours be counted cumulatively?
Yes, passive activity hours can be combined to meet the 1-hour minimum, with each activity being at least 1 hour.

Can studying for an exam count towards CPD?
Coursework contributing to professional development counts toward CPD, but studying for or taking exams does not.

Is CPD required if I retire during my 3-year cycle?
Unless you are audited before you retire, CPD is not required to maintain Retired membership.

Can I be audited for CPD compliance? What's the audit process?
Yes, if you are a Certified (including Life or Fellow) or an Associate member outside of the 3 or 6-year certification timeline.

1. Log into the OACETT portal 2. Add a CPD activity
  • Select the CPD cycle you are logging and then the “add CPD activity” button
  • Enter details of the CPD activity (title, start/end date, provider, category, hours, description) and click Save
3. Upload supporting documents
  • Upload supporting documents (certificate of attendance, transcript, pamphlet, study notes, signed letters, written summary of learning, copy of presentation, etc.)
  • Click Upload document, name the document, add the file and submit
See the video below for more information on tracking and uploading your CPD in the portal.

Still have questions? Contact OACETT at

Are you being audited for CPD compliance and have questions about that? Contact OACETT at

Upcoming Events

Feb. 17, 2025
02:05 pm - 04:05 pm

Windsor-Essex Chapter Family Day w/ The Spitfires

Feb. 22, 2025
08:00 am - 04:00 pm

Georgian Bay Chapter Curling Bonspiel

Feb. 22, 2025
02:00 pm - 04:00 pm

London Chapter Women in Technology Networking Event - Labatt Brewery Tour

Feb. 23, 2025
03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

Grand Valley Chapter Free Family Skate

Feb. 27, 2025
05:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Fireside Chat with OACETT Leadership

Mar. 01, 2025
10:00 am - 01:00 pm

Windsor-Essex PEO/OACETT Curling Bonspiel

Mar. 05, 2025
07:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Hamilton Chapter Virtual Symposium

Mar. 06, 2025
06:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Thunder Bay Women in Technology & Engineering Mixer

Mar. 06, 2025
07:00 pm - 09:00 pm

Lanark, Leeds & Grenville Annual Chapter Meeting

Mar. 08, 2025
12:30 pm - 02:30 pm

Quinte Chapter Women in Technology Meet & Greet

Mar. 09, 2025
02:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Grand Valley Chapter Kitchener Rangers vs Guelph Storm Hockey Event

Apr. 11, 2025
08:00 am - 04:00 pm

Near North 54th Annual Engineering Symposium

Jun. 07, 2025
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

2025 Annual General Meeting

Jun. 12 - 14, 2025
All Day Event

2025 Conference and Gala

Oct. 16, 2025
09:30 am - 08:30 pm

Career Event for Internationally Educated Professionals with a Background in Engineering Technology