The submission of the Technology Report Proposal (TRP) and Technology Report (TR) is one of the final steps in the certification process for Certification Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.).
To become certified as a C.E.T. you will need to write a Technology Report (TR). The purpose of the TR is to assess your ability to effectively examine and describe an engineering or applied science technology problem. The requirement of a Technology Report is not related to work experience and is not waived due to a member having extensive career experience.
You must submit a Technology Report Proposal (TRP) for approval before submitting the completed TR. The report topic should be discipline appropriate, and if possible, related to your work experience. You may complete this requirement after your file has been reviewed by the Admissions Committee unless you have further technologist-level academics to complete. If so, the academics should be completed first.
For more detailed information about the TR & TRP, see the Technology Report Guidelines document.
For examples of a TR & TRP, click HERE.
Associates who have graduated from a nationally accredited engineering technology or applied science program, do not need to complete a TR as they have already completed one meeting OACETT's specifications as part of their college program and will be waived by the Admissions committee.
The report issued to you after your file review will indicate whether the TR is required or whether it has been waived based on this reason.
Similar to the C.Tech. certification, when you have met all the certification requirements identified in your File Review Report, including the PPE and the Technology Report, you will receive a letter from the Registrar informing you of your new status as a certified C.E.T. OACETT member. At this time, you may begin to use your new OACETT title. We will send your certificate and publish your name in The Ontario Technologist magazine. You will also have the ability print your membership card on the member portal.
You will be eligible for all benefits reserved for certified members, which besides the right to use the protected title of C.E.T., allows you to purchase a technology ring and certified member identification stamp.
The technology report writing seminar is offered in a variety of virtual delivery options throughout the year to help members prepare to write a TR. The seminars focus on all aspects of technology report writing, from topic selection to proposal writing and helpful hints for submitting a successful report. There are three options to help you prepare for your technology report.
Cost: $375 + HST
This six-hour virtual instructor led course is offered throughout the year and provides an in-depth review of the entire technology report writing process and covers all eight modules the manual.